Chandeliers, which derived their design from candelabras, were originally used in the Middle Ages and are still widely used today. People relied on candles as their major source of illumination until the introduction of gas lights in the 18th century, which were subsequently replaced by electric lights.
Indian royalty and chandeliers have gone back a long way, in history. Once, there was a chandelier in a palace in Gwalior that is so massive that, before it was mounted, an elephant was made to walk on the roof of the palace to test its strength. Such ‘elephantine’ chandeliers were the pride of Indian royalty, and added to their name, and fame.
From the 18th century to the present, chandeliers have encountered numerous modifications, yet their elegance and opulence has held steady throughout the process. One of India’s leading manufacturers of chandelier and lamp shades, Mahal has developed more than 1500 different kinds since it was founded in 1963. Mahal has been making traditional chandeliers and lamp shades since it was founded by Mr. Tulsidas Belani in Kolkata’s Sarat Bose Road.
Chandeliers have an inherent sense of regality, pomp and splendour. Having one in your home enhances the beauty, class and stature of your place a hundred folds. From being the pride of Indian royalty, these luxury, top-of-the-line chandeliers now come directly to your own home!
Mahal, through its dedicated craftsmanship over the years, has created thousands of eye-grabbing, jaw-dropping designs, that is sure to take you on a trip through back in time, making you feel the pride of Indian royals!
Mahal is yours to take!